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Where are NGM Bio’s corporate headquarters?
NGM Bio is headquartered at 333 Oyster Point Boulevard, South San Francisco, CA 94080, U.S. The main phone number is 650-243-5555.
When was the company founded?
NGM Bio was incorporated in December 2007 and commenced operations in 2008.
Where is the company incorporated?
NGM Bio is incorporated in the state of Delaware.
When did NGM Bio go public?
NGM Bio’s initial public offering (IPO) occurred on April 4, 2019.
When is NGM Bio’s fiscal year end?
December 31st
How is NGM Bio stock traded?
NGM Bio is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the ticker symbol NGM and its CUSIP number is 62921N105.
Who is NGM Bio’s transfer agent?
Communication regarding transfer requirements, lost certificates and changes of address should be directed to:

American Stock Transfer & Trust Company, LLC (AST)
(800) 937-5449 or (718) 921-8124
  • Teletypewriter for the hearing impaired:
    • (866) 703-9077
    • (718) 921-8386
Who are NGM Bio’s independent auditors?
Ernst & Young LLP
Where can I get NGM Bio’s latest corporate news releases?
NGM Bio’s latest press releases can be found here.
How can I view documents NGM Bio has filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission (Sec), including Forms 10-K and 10-Q?
NGM Bio’s SEC filings can be viewed through the Investor Relations section of our website under the ‘SEC Filings’ heading.
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
You can submit queries to
How can I sign up to receive NGM Bio press releases and other company news?
Please select the ‘Email Alerts’ icon in the Investor Relations section of our website to be added to the NGM Bio distribution list.

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